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Steven Reinert - Publications

Salt marsh birds

Reinert, S. E., F. C. Golet, and W. R. DeRagon.  1981. Avian use of ditched and unditched salt marshes in Southeastern New England: a preliminary report. Proc. Northeast. Mosq. Control Assoc. 27:1-23.

Marshall, R. M., and S. E. Reinert.  1990.  Breeding ecology of Seaside Sparrows in a Massachusetts salt marsh. Wilson Bull. 102:501-513.

Reinert, S. E., and M. J. Mello.  1995.  Avian Community Structure and Habitat Use in a Southern New England Estuary. Wetlands 15:9-19. [Abstract and preview]

Reinert, S. E. and J. O. Hill, Jr. 2001. The Birds of Allens Pond: Ecology of a Coastal Massachusetts Avifauna. Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies, S. Dartmouth, Massachusetts.

Reinert, S. E. 2006. Avian nesting response to tidal-marsh flooding: literature review and a case for adaptation in the Red-winged Blackbird. Studies in Avian Biology 32:77-95.  

Walter J. Berry, Steven E. Reinert, Meghan E. Gallagher, Suzanne M.Lussier and Eric Walsh. 2015. Population Status of the Seaside Sparrow in Rhode Island: A 25-Year Assessment. Northeastern Naturalist, 22:658-671. [Abstract and preview] 

Other bird papers

Reinert, S. E., and F. C. Golet.  1979.  Breeding ecology of the Swamp Sparrow in a Southern Rhode Island peatland.  Trans. Northeast Sec. Wildl. Soc. 36:1-13. 


Reinert, S. E., 1984.  Use of introduced perches by raptors: experimental results and management implications.  Raptor Research 18:25-29.  

Christiansen, D. A., Jr., and S. E. Reinert.  1990. Habitat use of the Northern Harrier in a coastal Massachusetts shrubland with notes on population trends in southeastern New England. J. Raptor Res. 24:84-90.


Reinert, S. E., and L. Lapham.  1999.  Numbers of fall migrant songbirds declining on Block Island. Rhode Island Natural History Survey Newsletter 6 (1):2-4.

Bowen, R., and S. E. Reinert. 2001. The Birds of the Kickemuit River and Surrounding Environs in Warren, Rhode Island: A Six-Decade Perspective. Occasional Paper # 1 of the Biota of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Natural History Survey.

Reinert, S. E., E. Lapham, and K. Gaffett. 2002. Landbird migration on Block Island: community composition and conservation implications for an island stopover habitat. [Appendices] Pages 151 - 168 in (Peter W. Paton, Lisa L. Gould, Peter V. August, and Alexander O. Frost, editors) The Ecology of Block Island. Rhode Island Natural History Survey.

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